Friday, June 20, 2008

Need A Design Arsenal?

Not sure how I first heard of Go Media - either - huh, I have all these things I have heard of but can't remember where - maybe it was all that internet and blog surfing I do, but anyways - they offer up some pretty cool tools for designers. And whats even cooler is their name for it - "Arsenal - Professional Design Weaponry" that is what we all need right?- what I like so far, being non-profit and there-for having a low budget for such things as quality stock art - let alone the time to create it myself - are the freebies!

Granted some stuff seems a like over the top and would only work in very specific situations - but there are good things to be found - so check it out!

And when looking at their prices - they are pretty affordable - so definitely a good resource to have on hand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind write-up SuzyQ! I hope you continue to find value in Go Media products. If you like the freebies, be sure to check out the "freebies" category of the blog - - thanks again!