Saturday, April 26, 2008

Garage Sale Finds 4/26/08

This weekend was a good weekend in the garage saling department for us! We actually managed to find some and found ones that had decent items. Too bad I spent my bus money cash on my finds. :(

Here is a close up of my little $1 deal - isn't it marvelous?

Me happy with my find!

Another nifty deal of the day. $4 for this trellis - will be put to use for my peas to grow up in my garden (as you can see from the pic)

We also found a great level for $6 and an edger for $2. Woohoo!


a/k/a Nadine said...

Oooh, I love that bottle! I'd definitely take up garage saling if I could find something like that!

Stacy said...

Some days are good and some days are bad. Today we found a lot of great items at the garage sales we visited. My tip is the drive-by...don't pull up and stop and every garage sale you see - you can judge it from the car and it looks like it isn't much of nothing keep going to the next one - if you do manage to pull up to one and it ends up being a dud - don't feel bad about mosey around and looking at items - just sail out of there. :) We probably visited and/or drove by 7 garage sales today within a 5 mile radius and only found good items at 3. You should take it up - it is fun - kinda like suburban treasure hunting! :)