Sunday, August 1, 2010

31 Week Bump Update

How far along? 31 Weeks

How big is baby? Should be around the average of 17 inches and about 4lbs. She's the size of a squash...though a different timeline thing shows a watermelon at this stage.
Food cravings: Cookies, apricots, peaches, cookies, sweet corn, cookies, cheerios....cookies. :)

Milestones: Random people at stores and check out lines now notice I am pregnant. I've gone so long without anyone ever saying anything that now when they do it throws me all off guard and I just stare at them for a second before I realize what is happening.

Say what?!: So, those people I mentioned at stores noticing I am pregnant. Yeah, they are a hoot. One lady told me I would have my baby September 27 - after asking when my due date was. She said to mark her words - she was right with all her babies. She also asked if it was a boy first - so if she was wrong there then how is she predicting my due date? Oy veh.  But if she's right...holy cow. 
I have had a lot of, "Are you having a boy?" questions - kinda throws me off. Lady at Walmart said it was because she saw some blue stuff in my cart of decorations - it was a percentage of like 90% pink and 10% light blue  - but ok. :)

Oh, and this: Random 4AM insomnia is interesting. My eyes just pop open and my mind starts going and I am ready to start the day! LOL.

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