Sunday, May 23, 2010

21 Week Baby Bump Update

I'm 21 weeks today! The baby is now the size of a banana - last week it was a cantaloupe. I think they are going more for the comparison in length than in overall girth - because a banana is awful scrawny. :) The Bump's "How Big Is Baby?" webpage is so fun to visit each week! Amazing how our baby goes from smaller than an apple seed up to the size of a watermelon!

Craving Update: I finally found my peaches folks! You can all rest easy now - just don't buy out Kroger's latest shipment or I will find you. :) And thank you to everyone who was out on the hunt for me! :)

Other fun news from the pregnancy front - terrible, awful, almost crippling bloating is no fun and comes out of nowhere - also, apparently random skin rashes are borderline normal - Dr. just had me take benedryl after I called freaking out over a crazily spreading itchy rash. Started out on my arms and legs, and quickly went to my back and chest. Scary! Two days of benedryl and it pretty much cleared up!

Energy is spiking back up a bit this weekend - though I did fit in a two hour nap in between garage saling, bike riding and finally getting out in the yard to plant our other garden bed (sweet corn, zucchini, yellow squash, watermelon, cucumbers and cantaloupe) and get our cannas and glads in the ground.

Baby is still kicking happily away - I love feeling her move about! :)

1 comment:

Momma Val said...

Yeah! Isn't it just amazing, a miracle for sure. It's even more surreal when you are holding and raising your baby/child. I had really bad bloating with baby girl and none with baby boy. I got advice to go on all fours and arch your back, then down and repeat. That was great cause it lifts pressure off your digestive system and releases . . . . the air :) I tired to never take any drugs while pregnant so I used one cup of coffee daily and prune juice for the backups. Worked like a charm. So happy for you Stacy. Exciting!!!