Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Design Solution: YouSendIt

When working on different freelance projects outside the office I sometimes come across the problem of client email versus large file transfer - ah, the epic battle. I had a client whose email would not cooperate with the way I was sending them their final design files - we tried everything - from zipping to attaching - nothing would work they would never receive my email (an error email would come back to me informing me that the client's email inbox was full - however, this was not the case according to the client). I swore there was something wrong with their email account but rather than argue with the hand that feeds me (or gives me extra money in the case of this freelance client) I found a solution - it is great! It is called YouSendIt - a free internet service that allows you to upload large files and then sends a link to the files to the recipients of your choice - the link is valid for so many days - perfect for my freelance projects with difficult client email accounts. I have found myself using it quite a bit - a very helpful resource to keep in your back pocket when email file transfer becomes rough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I stumbled across yousendit about a year ago? Can't remember really, I just became addicted to having it around. I'd be like that "Where's the whopper" commercial if it went away! :)