Monday, November 23, 2015

Life with Two Y'all

Life with two little ones, oh my - it is for real! Oy vey - notice how I have had next to no blog post? You've seen the scrambled egg meme on Facebook, right?? Where there is an egg and it says this is your brain without kids and the next is an imploded egg with the all too accurate description that this is now your brain with two kids - ha! I know people with multiples can blog -- and blog well -- but apparently on my ever lengthening list of priorities blogging took a temporary back burner position.

Lots of things have occurred in the course of a year since my off and on again hiatus, becoming a work at home mom - working with an amazing team and company - so nice to be able to say that and mean it, taking more freelance design and photography work, and pursuing a Young Living business as well as trying to find a balance work at home life with two littles. Just a little over a year I can finally say I can see a light at the end of the tunnel - or more importantly that I feel like I am officially on the other side.

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