Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stages and Phases: 19 Months

Teeth: the first set of molars both top and bottoms are in...thank goodness that was crazy. :) - might possibly be working on her canines now...

She is so very fearless and nothing slows her down...scares me sometimes. She will peter close to the very, very edge of the concrete that drops off down to a creek by the ice cream we frequent...just FREAKS.ME.OUT! She delights in adventure...dancing atop our picnic table despite frequent attempts to get her down and keep her off. She has even fallen off during a misstep in her dance routine and received a little goose-egg...yet where was she trying to go within the very next hour?? Yup...right back to the top of the table...goodness!

The few things that do freak her out on occasion:
- thunder
- us leaving - this is new...and no fun at all... :(- even just going upstairs when she is downstairs sometimes elicits a cry

Grocery stores and restaurant visits are a tad exhausting at this stage/phase of toddlerhood. She loves to walk around and meet people, perchance to ask of their food - haha, and to ease her inquisitive mind...why yes, I CAN fit under this chair! And as my husband puts its, she loves to try to do adult things but just doesn't quite the grocery store she wants to put things in the cart like she sees us doing. Only that requires her not being seated in the cart and actually roaming the store picking at toddler level items...why oh why would anything glass/dangerous etc be at toddler level? pickles? - which is frustrating for us...we are getting smarter - slowly...bringing distractions and choosing the best time to go..i.e. not at nap time. :) And making sure if it isn't going to be a quick trip that we go in numbers...instead of trying to do it alone with a little one. Side note: I don't want to sound like we don't try to keep her seated at restaurants or in the cart at stores...we do...just the screaming at the restraint or the Houdini-ing out of the straps and the near leaps out of the chairs/carts are more than we (and I am sure our other shoppers/diners) can bear...choosing which battles to fight here people...

You know what grocery stores need? Little play zones like at malls...or a little childcare area where you can pay for 45 min of shopping...why hasn't this been dreamed up yet?

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