Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back to Work: Pumping Schedule & Log

After going back to work when my little one was 8 weeks old, I started wanting to keep track of how often and how much I pumped at work each day of the week. Something about keeping track and knowing that my supply wasn't dropping and that I was indeed able to pump enough for my little one while I was gone has helped ease my mind.

I first had a paper system that I would record onto each time, but after getting frustrated with crinkly papers everywhere have decided to go techie with it - of course! Especially since I can pump at my desk with my hands-free bra - which I HIGHLY recommend if you are pumping at work - or anywhere for that matter! As a mom you need an extra set of hands so make sure you free up the only two you have with this simple and affordable little contraption. I bought mine at BuyBuy baby for around $35.

So since I can work at my desk while I pump and not miss a beat - I moved my Pumping Schedule & Log to Google Docs via an excel spreadsheet that automatically calculates my totals for each side, day and week. I couldn't really find anything like it out there so I created my own and after using it for a good 18 weeks now thought it would be worth it share. So you are looking for an excel template for a back to work mother Pumping Schedule & Log - here you go!

Copy to your Google Docs or save the excel file to your desktop!

1 comment:

Rosemarie said...

Thanks for the recommendation of the pumping bra - I was wondering about these. Obviously I'm not bf'ing anymore but my pregnant friend wants to exclusively pump so I;m going to tell her about this (sounds perfect for someone who will be pumping a lot)