Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meal Plan Confession/Phobia

While I love the idea and love seeing what are on other bloggers' meal plans...I am not good at doing my own...for one I never stick do it...like not even remotely close. A lot of reasons factor into this - life in general being the main one. :)

Some crazy event occurs and we end up having to run around town, or my husband is home and wants to make something totally different or suddenly whatever on the meal plan doesn't sound appetizing at all, or my little one falls asleep on my lap after we get home from daycare/work and I cannot move for fear of her waking in a grumpy awful mood, or she is already in a grumpy awful mood and the meal plan requires too much prep to do while holding/entertaining a toddler  - so pizza goes in the oven or we eat leftovers.

And really we somehow always have to many left overs when I attempt a meal plan - maybe because we are just a family of 3 yet and the #3 is only 2yr and doesn't consume that much of dinner yet - so cooking different meals every night of the week for 2.5 or really like 2 1/4 essentially...yields lots of leftovers that we either eat every single night of week it feels like (and still have some leftover) or we freeze a portion of it for later use...(i.e. we forget it about it and then realize one day that we have 4 months of leftovers stocked up in the freezer and won't need to cook at all for 2 weeks straight). :)

For us a meal plan goes something like this.

Sunday: Make Something for Dinner
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Make Something for Dinner
Wednesday: Leftovers
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Frozen Pizza/Wild Card Night

For reals.

But seriously I LOVE other people's meal plans - they give me so many ideas for what to do for dinner - love the internet for that! :)

Here are a few of my favorite meal plan resources: (besides Pinterest)

Queen of Free

Amy's Finer Things

At Home with Kim Vallee

I keep my recipes organized in evernote - it is a truly awesome tool!

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