I love mosey-cozy weekends like this where I can actually get things done - it feels good!
Let's see my list of accomplishments for this weekend - a little lengthy but it makes me realize how much I got done if I list it out so bear with me:
1. Repotted all the indoor plants that have outgrown their old homes.
2. Painted and sanded the desk more - am 85% finished! Wohoo!
3. Cleaned - dusted, swept, aired out rugs - organized the bathroom closet, 2 loads of laundry, a load of dishes and sewed on buttons on my hubby's work shirts.
4. Turned the compost - fun fun - at least there weren't any mondo spiders this time. Did see a worm but that was it.
5. And one of my favorite parts of the weekend - setting up my new craft area!!
I took the desk we had set up in our office (that will be replaced with the desk I am finishing) and set it in our landing/gameroom area and snatched up the clear white bins Matt had in his garage (he is installing a new shelving system next weekend - so this just helps him along) and wallah - my uber crafty sewing and knitting corner complete with every sewing book our library had - checked out and stashed for reference!
Kitty was my second hand woman when it came to organizing my craft bits - as you can see she made sure nothing was left in that box.
Oh! And I finished kleenex box cover #2 a few days ago - wohoo!
I also visited my new favorite store - Hancock Fabrics! Why have I never heard of this utopia before? I've been wasting my time at Joanne's and Hobby Lobby when this little fabric heaven was just across the street?!
I admit I was a tad deceived by the exterior - kinda looked like a tiny store for drapes or something. Not the wonderful store that it actually is!
There is yarn, thread, so so so much fabric - a clearance bin and a $1 a yard bin - the selection is just fantastic. And it is less than a mile away from the bus stop - so guess where I will be hanging out after work - yup yup!
They even have great priced classes!
Well that was my weekend in a nutshell - nothing exciting - pretty ho-hum - but lovely none-the-less!
Weekends like that are wonderful, aren't they? You feel like you've accomplished so much.
I often get that feeling when I move and unpack. Nothing is more satisfying than establishing routines and regulations in a new home!
We were just talking the other day about when we would have a weekend like that coming up...to just stay in sweatpants all weekend and get things done at our leisure!
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