Matt and I headed out on a little adventure this weekend and came home with lots of lovely finds! We found a grand total of 27 morels - but they are a hefty bunch! The biggest measured at 7 inches and the smallest was two! Lots of 3-5 inchers!
Here's our cat for size comparison. ;)
Now I have the thrill of the hunt streaming full in my veins - can't wait get another chance to head out and look for more!
Check out our full album of pictures here!
Read my husband's rendition of the trip on his blog!
Links about morels and morel hunting:
Preparing for the Hunt
Tricks and Secrets of the Trade
How to Find Morel Mushrooms - E-How
I have no idea about the whole morel fever thing but I remember you posting last year about going for them. It sounds very exciting! Though I like my mushroom's best either caps stuffed with seafood and cheese OR batter dipped, fried and dipped in ranch dressing. I can only imagine what a morel tastes like. Thanks for the great pics and post :) Ooh, have you ever seen those people that go foraging in the leaves and weeds in the forest for truffles? Hmmmm? Now that does not look appetizing to me in the least but then again you never know.
They are beauties! Oh now I want to fry some up! Not Weight Watcher approved though! Enjoy them!
Ooh, how fun! I read about a guy once who thinks the fungi systems could revolutionize our thought patterns if we applied the same processes that the fungi use. Kind of neat but can't remember his name. :0)
I was just walking in the woods behind my house yesterday, thinking about you and morels. I was noticing how it's almost time here, and I know your phenology is a little bit ahead of ours, so I was thinking, hmmm, I wonder if Stacy found any morels yet... so glad to see you have. They look awesome!
EG, are you thinking of Terrence McKenna? He certainly had some interesting ideas about mushrooms :)
They look fabulous. I wish I could try some. I've never collected them before.
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