(Picture of the pups waiting excitedly for their mid-walk treat)
This Sunday gave us a dose of wonderfully warm weather. We reached temperatures near 70 degrees! Matthew and I took full advantage of the balmy weather. We took the pooches out for a stroll in Old Downtown Greenwood and Craig Park. In efforts to wear the dogs out for the day we ended up wearing ourselves out more - go figure. But it was so nice to get out of the house and actually take our winter coats off and enjoy the warm sun.
While out perusing around we learned that one of our favorite places Mrs. Curl's, a great little ice-cream and treatery near Greenwood Library, opens tomorrow! I thought we would have to wait till later in the year - but no-siree!
Side Notes: Showbiz is not wearing a muzzle, she is wearing a Gentle-Lead Collar due to her pulling problem - if she didn't wear this we would be wearing mud as she has the strength to pull a grown man flat on his face.
Also: Our warm weather looks like it won't last long as the weather people are already calling for snow by Tuesday. Blah!
It was a beautiful day in central Indiana, wasn't it? Mrs. Curl, Craig Park, Old Town Greenwood are all my old stomping grounds!
Go Woodmen!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
It was gorgeous yesterday, Carol! Too bad they are calling for snow on Tuesday already! :( We live near very Greenwood in Whiteland - but have always loved that area of Greenwood. My husband and I spent many of our first dates there.
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